On August 9, at 7:45 p.m., the rescuers received a message that in the village Hello, four people were previously poisoned by unknown substances in the basement of a two-story residential building in the Lviv district.
The rescuers of the 15th state fire and rescue service of the city of Horodok, the department of radiation, chemical and biological protection of the emergency rescue unit of the emergency and rescue unit of the special purpose emergency rescue unit of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Lviv region, the operational group of the Lviv district administration, doctors, were sent to the scene of the incident. police officers, gas service and other emergency services.
Arriving at the scene, it turned out that four people entered the basement of the house where potatoes were stored. People probably lost consciousness due to inhalation of dangerous gases.
The fire-rescue department in personal respiratory protection equipment carried out work on extracting bodies from the basement, also conducted reconnaissance of the first and second floors of the residential building and the attic, blocked the gas valve, provided lighting and fenced off the scene.
Such a high concentration of gases could probably arise due to the rotting process of potatoes that were in the basement. During the decomposition of organic materials such as potatoes, various chemical reactions occur that can release dangerous gases.
Unfortunately, as a result of poisoning, four people died – a woman born in 1956 and men born in 1952, 1978 and 1971.
Law enforcement officers are establishing the reasons and circumstances of the incident.