Tonight, an Opel passenger car arrived at the Rava-Ruska checkpoint. A 42-year-old native of the capital was driving a car to a neighboring country. As a basis for crossing the border during the legal regime of martial law, in addition to a passport, the man provided a pension certificate.
The document states that the Ukrainian has the II disability group.
During the inspection of the documents, the border guards discovered a number of signs indicating their forgery. However, the exposure of the pseudo-pensioner did not stop. In order to cross the border without hindrance, he tried to bribe the inspector. The border guard of the Lviv detachment responded with a refusal to the offer of a bribe in the amount of 1,000 US dollars.
According to this fact, the employees of the State Border Service of the State Border Service informed the employees of the National Police. Liability for this offense is provided for in Art. 369 of the Criminal Code “Offering or providing an unlawful benefit to an official”.
In addition, the man will have to be responsible for using a fake when crossing the border. The border guards sent a report to the law enforcement agencies about the detection of signs of a criminal offense under Art. 358 of the Criminal Code “Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps.”
The border guards handed over the bribe-giver to the National Police.