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“Your card has been blocked”: Lviv region policemen guard against becoming victims of shakhraystvo

If you are called by unknown individuals, calling themselves bank tellers, requesting to give personal data to card accounts, call the police informally on the operational line 102.

On the 1st sickle to the police, a 75-year-old bagman of one of the forces of the Lviv region turned up to the police, having helped, that they had unknowingly planted a penny from the yogo card. As a law enforcement officer was installed, an unknown person phoned the pensioner, calling herself a bank worker, and informed that his pension card was blocked, so it is necessary to give personal data for unlocking it. After that, all pennies were taken from the applicant’s card.

On the same day, a 60-year-old resident of another village turned back to the police, yak bula oshukana in this very way. As a law enforcement officer was installed, an unknown person telephoned to the woman, as she called herself a practitioner of the security service of the bank. Since the applicant provided the personal data of the card, all the coins were taken from the account.

For the facts of investigations of territorial investigations, the police charged criminal cases under part 4 of article 190 (Shahraystvo) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Dosudovі rozslіduvannya trivayut, pravohorontsі vstanovlyuyuyutsya usі obstavini podіy.

The police officers will guard: in order not to become a victim of shakhrai at any time, do not give your personal data, the number and lines of your bank card, PIN code, CVV2 / CVC2 code, passwords to Internet banking, code word or other information home to persons, navit yakscho stinks are called spіvrobіtnikami bank. Remember: the bank’s practitioners never telephone and do not divulge information on the banking account or card.

Also, do not respond to SMS notifications sent to the bank, in which you are asked to provide personal information. In this way, the evil-doers take away access to the bank accounts, the stars take away your security, reroute them to the controlled bank accounts.

At the time of otrimannya dzvinkiv chi SMS-information of the police to answer the phone to the bank set (the number of the hot line of the order on your card on the official websites of the banks), and also call the police negligently.

Conducted communications of the police of Lviv region

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