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Everyone is invited to the Ukrainian language club “Learn the language – don’t be silent”

Meetings of the “Learn the language – don’t be silent” club can be attended by both IDPs and residents of Lviv Oblast.

Here you can deepen your knowledge of your native language and, in the cozy atmosphere of the library, in a relaxed atmosphere, communicate through the prism of traditions.

The training will be conducted by Yaroslav Ivanovich Harasym – Ukrainian folklorist, doctor of philological sciences, professor, professor of scientific and methodological work of LNU named after I. Franka, dean of the Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies of LNU named after I. Franko.

“There can be no state without language, because language is primary. Just as the territory needs to be protected, so must the language,” Yaroslav Garasym notes.

The initiator of the project is the Lviv Regional Scientific and Pedagogical Library.

Classes in the club will be held every Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the premises of the scientific and pedagogical library, on the street Zelena 24 in Lviv.

Contact phone 067 962 39 23 – Oksana Kumetska

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