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During the war, 2,963 children were born in Lviv’s maternity hospitals

Despite the war, babies are born in Ukraine every day. During the full-scale war, Ukrainian women gave birth to 2,963 children in Lviv city maternity hospitals alone. Of these, 375 children were born to forcibly resettled mothers who had to flee from Russian shelling.

Thus, 189 babies were born in the Saint Nicholas Children’s Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv; in the maternity hospital No. 1 and the maternity department of the 3rd city clinical hospital of the Third Medical Association – 2,774 babies.

By the way, Ukrainians who were forced to move from their hometowns to Lviv because of the war receive shelter here and the necessary assistance, including medical care. This includes both inpatient and outpatient care, routine vaccinations, etc. During the full-scale war, more than 120,000 Ukrainians received medical care here.

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