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Financial assistance for studies: who can receive it in Lviv Oblast?

In order to increase the level of competitiveness, individuals who want to keep up with the times and use innovative approaches in their work can use a voucher for training, the cost of which does not exceed ten times the amount of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied citizens (from January of this year – UAH 26,840.00 ). Persons who are not registered in the employment centers as unemployed have the right to it, in particular:

– persons over 45 years of age, whose insurance experience is at least 15 years, before they reach retirement age;

– persons released from military service (except conscripts), service in internal affairs bodies, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, civil defense bodies and units, tax police, the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine or the State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine in connection with a reduction in the number, staff or health status before reaching the retirement age, with at least 10 years of service, who have not acquired the right to a pension;

– persons released from military service after participating in an anti-terrorist operation, implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repelling and deterring armed aggression of the Russian Federation, until they reach retirement age;

– internally displaced persons of working age in the absence of acceptable work options;

– persons with disabilities in the absence of suitable work;

– persons who, during the period of martial law in Ukraine, were injured as a result of military aggression;

– persons who have been deprived of their personal freedom as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine, after their release.

According to Vasyl Barylyuk, director of the Lviv Regional Employment Center, the voucher program has been in effect since 2013. During this time, 1,630 residents of the region used it. They increased their competence in such professions and specialties as “beekeeper”, “cook”, “confectioner”, “seamstress”, “vegetable grower”, “forklift driver”, “trolley bus driver”, “electric gas boiler”, “farm worker”, ” construction carpenter”, “adjuster of equipment in the production of food products”, “computer systems and networks”, “psychology”, “veterinary medicine”, “tractor-machinist of agricultural production”, “system software”, “land management”, ” social work”, “nursing”, etc. (full list – at the link https://bit.ly/3WaouqO).

For firms and companies using the latest technologies and modern equipment or changing their activity profile, this is a unique chance at the expense of the state to ensure retraining in labor professions or to improve the qualifications of employees in order to master modernized equipment, manufacture higher-quality products, or provide effective services to the population.

To get a voucher, you need to contact the subdivisions of the LoCZ (contacts – https://bit.ly/40jWW59). Consultations are available by phone: (032)233 01 67, (032)233 03 13 or on the Telegram channel of the National Center for Health and Welfare @DCZ_Lviv (https://t.me/DCZ_Lviv).

Department of organizational and information work

Lviv Regional Employment Center

Tel. 233-71-85

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