On Wednesday, June 1, on the International Children’s Day in Yavoriv region, a number of events were organized for local children and internally displaced persons who, fleeing the war, found refuge in the communities of the district.
In particular, a holiday was organized in Novoyavorivsk for orphans and children deprived of parental care. Volodymyr Dzyunka, First Deputy Chairman of the Yavoriv Regional State Administration, Volodymyr Matseliukh, Chairman of the Novoyavorivsk City Council, and Andriy Tyndyk, Deputy Chairman of the Yavoriv Regional State Administration, greeted the children and presented gifts.
The VI district football festival “Open football lessons” among teams of boys and girls born in 2010 and younger took place at the school stadium in the village of Berdykhova, Novoyavorivska TG.
In addition, in Novoyavorivsk, a children’s holiday “Peace and Happiness – for the children of Ukraine” was held. An interesting program has been prepared for children: a letter “Defender to the Defender”, a game entertainment program “Cossack Fun”, a master class on home care, a patriotic flashmob “Heart of Ukraine”, a competition of children’s drawings on the asphalt “Peace and Happiness – Children of Ukraine”, an exhibition paintings by pupils of the children’s school of arts in Novoyavorivsk, a charity fair of delicacies and souvenirs, a festive photo area and video recording of the holiday, children’s entertainment.
In the Yavoriv community, the Yavoriv City Council’s Center for Social Services organized a real holiday for children who found themselves in difficult life circumstances. The holiday continued with a delicious pizza.
Rescuers of the Yavoriv Regional Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Lviv region organized a safety holiday for young Ukrainians in Novoyavorivsk and Ivano-Frankivsk ZSSO I-III degrees named after Ivan Franko on the occasion of the International Children’s Day. fighting and found refuge here on the territory.
The Ivano-Frankivsk Territorial Community also held a number of events for children: Holiday “We are your children, Ukraine!” in the Domazhyr Bear Shelter for internally displaced children, orphans deprived of parental care, children from large families and family-type homes; results of the children’s drawing competition on natural and ecological themes under the slogan “This is my land. This is my Ukraine”. Children who were forced to leave their homes took part in the competition; holiday “Happy Childhood”, which was prepared and conducted by teachers of Ivano-Frankivsk ZZSO I-III centuries. them. I. Franko in the framework of the project “United” and a meeting of young people from the village of Birka with “Impactbus”.
A sports event dedicated to the Children’s Day “Children’s Dream” took place on the territory of Sudovyshnyansk Territorial Community. Boys and girls competed in various sports, had fun, enjoyed life and made new good friends.
The People’s House of the Shehyniv Territorial Community hosted an art and entertainment program “We are your children of Ukraine.”
Smiles and cheerful mood sparkled in the eyes of every child. So, it is safe to say that with such a bright, creative, promising younger generation, everything will be Ukraine!