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The bottom layer of asphalt was laid on part of Shevchenko Street

According to LKP “Lvivavtodor”, favorable weather conditions allowed the contractor to start laying the bottom layer of asphalt concrete covering on two sections of the street. Shevchenko, namely from St. Yatskov to St. Bortnyanskyi and from St. Bortnyanskyi to st. Yaroslav the Wise.

“On the stretch from the street Yatskov to St. Bortnyansky, along the entire length of the carriageway, the lower layer of asphalt concrete has already been completely laid – 235 m long. And yesterday, work continued on this section to lay telephone communication boxes, pave tram tracks with cobblestones, and arrange curbs.

On the stretch from the street Bortnyanskyi to st. Yaroslav the Wise, the bottom layer of asphalt concrete was laid on the section of St. Shevchenko from building No. 11 to building No. 17 – 70 m long. Also on the stretch from the street. Bortnyanskyi to st. “Yaroslav Mudry continues to work on the laying of engineering networks, namely the installation of a water pipe with a diameter of 225 mm”, – reported LKP “Lvivavtodor”.

We would like to remind you that from June 1, 2021, the III stage of the reconstruction of the street began. Shevchenka – the area from St. Ya. Mudrogo to St. Railway. The cost of the works is UAH 186.6 million.

The Shevchenko Street reconstruction project includes the following works: reconstruction of all engineering networks; arrangement of the carriageway and new tram tracks adjacent to it in the middle of the street; arrangement along the carriageway on both sides of bicycle lanes; arrangement of pockets for ambulances, emergency services and temporary parking of cars of residents of buildings; arrangement of sidewalks and pedestrian zones with provision of comfortable conditions for movement and recreation of groups of the population with reduced mobility; arrangement of contact network of tram, street lighting; beautification of street space.

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