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Air quality monitoring stations installed in Lviv region

The Department of Ecology and Natural Resources has installed 4 automated stationary air quality monitoring stations in the region.

Analytical calculations were carried out and the following settlements of the region were selected for installation:

* pointm. Stryi, Stryi district, Lviv region (impact of the city’s industrial zone, Kyiv-Chop international motorway and partial impact from the windward side of Drohobych and Boryslav);

* point – the town of Boryslav, , Drohobych district, Lviv region (impact of the city’s industrial zone, in particular, the Boryslavnaftogaz oil and gas production unit of PJSC Ukrnafta);

* point – c. Sokilnyky of Lviv district, Lviv region (impact of the international motorway Kyiv-Chop and on the agglomeration “Lviv”);

* point – Shabelnia village of Rava-Ruska territorial community of Lviv district, Lviv region (cross-border impact, impact on the windward side of Poland and impact of the international motorway Ternopil-Lviv-Rava-Ruska).

The studies will be conducted for 5 main pollutants – nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone, and dust with different proportions of pollution. At the observation point in Boryslav, research will be carried out, in particular, to determine the content of volatile organic compounds (hydrocarbons) to assess the impact of the oil industry.

The stationary observation points are also equipped with a meteorological station to determine meteorological parameters such as humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure, and wind parameters.

Oksana Viytyk, acting director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Regional State Administration, notes that the installation of air quality monitoring stations will allow for comprehensive air quality studies in the region.

A total of 6 automated air quality monitoring stations will be installed in the Lviv region. The system will be fully operational by the end of the year when the software is delivered as part of the project “Fair Transformation of Coal Regions and Green Recovery of Ukraine’s Energy Sector” funded by international technical assistance from the German Development Cooperation GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.

The public will be informed in real time 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

As of today, the automated system at 4 stations is operating in test mode.

Pursuant to the provisions of EU Directive 2008/50/EC on atmospheric air quality and the requirements of Ukraine’s environmental legislation in the field of atmospheric air, the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Regional State Administration has developed and approved the State Monitoring Programme in the field of atmospheric air protection for 2021-2025 in the Lviv zone (as amended).

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