This was reported by Roman Khimyak, head of the Youth and Sports Department of the Lviv Regional State Administration
Now there is:
✅A track and field core with six running tracks, which means that in addition to running disciplines, after the works are fully completed, competitions and training can be held with:
📍 javelin throwing,
📍throwing the hammer,
📍 shot put,
📍long jumps,
📍triple jump,
📍 high jumps,
📍 pole vaulting
✅modern training ground for strength training.
✅three playgrounds for beach volleyball.
As a result of these changes and after the completion of the I and II phases of work, there will be:
🏆improved conditions for the stay of 2,000 spectators;
🏆 the opportunity to hold competitions not only at the regional, but also at the national level;
🏆 improved training conditions for more than 300 people in sports schools, sections and clubs.
🏆improved working conditions for a large number of coaches, teachers and technical staff.
We, in the Department of Youth and Sports of the Lviv Regional State Administration, together with the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Regional State Administration, began to reconstruct this facility within the previous cycle of the Comprehensive Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports, with the joint funds of the state, regional and local budgets.
In the previous program period, two multifunctional fields with polyurethane coating and one for mini-football made of artificial grass were installed at the “Sokil” complex.
Arrangement of such an object corresponds to the concept of sub-regional development of certified sports infrastructure, which we laid in the basis of the program at one time. There is a SKIF stadium in Lviv, and we have modernized and comfortable stadiums in Busk and Stry.
After the reconstruction of the “Sokil” stadium, one of the most modern multi-sports complexes in the region will appear in Sokal.
We will remind: In Sokal, the contractor involved an insufficient number of equipment and workers for the capital repair of the “Sokil” stadium
Many local level facilities have also been created where community representatives can prepare for higher-level competitions and take care of their health: Dublyany, Sambir, Mostyska, and Yavoriv next.
We believe that after our Victory, these objects will “recover” to the full, will gather fans for the home team’s game, will witness new records and a place of healthy rest for our Heroes, who will return home and seek active leisure time., – continued Roman