The repair of smashed windows and doors in the houses of Sykhiv district, which were damaged by rocket fire last year on 29 January, continues. As of today, 97% of the windows in the buildings have been restored. It is also planned to complete the installation of windows in public areas by the end of the week.
According to the district administration, residents are repairing windows and doors in their apartments on their own, and the city is providing compensation for these works. Instead, windows in public areas are being restored by a charitable organisation.
Thus, 357 applications have already been registered by residents for financial assistance for the replacement of windows and doors. 352 of them have been processed by the district administration and the packages of documents have been sent to the social protection department. Thus, according to the social security department, as of 1 February 2024, the reimbursement was received:
– 23 apartments for windows in the total amount of UAH 6 million 440
– 33 apartments for doors in the amount of UAH 257 thousand 240.
“Windows have already been replaced in approximately 450 apartments, which is 97% of the total number of apartments where windows needed to be replaced (excluding loggias).
Meanwhile, 350 windows are to be replaced in the common areas. These works are funded by the charitable organisation The Howard G. Buffett Foundation. As of 1 February, 343 windows (98%) had been delivered and 301 (86%) of them installed. In particular, at 28, 40, 42, 44, 54, 56, 58, 60 Khotkevycha Street and 1b Chukarina Street. The installation of these windows is expected to be completed by the end of the week,” the Sykhiv district administration said.
According to the Sykhiv District Administration, as a result of a missile strike on 29 December 2023, 30 multi-storey residential buildings were damaged in Sykhiv, mainly on Khotkevycha and Chukarina streets. There are 2,538 apartments in these buildings, and 575 of them had their windows smashed – approximately 2018 windows in apartments, stairwells and loggias, and 110 entrance doors damaged.