Tomorrow, February 7, a special offer from payment technology company Visa will be launched for passengers of Lviv’s public transport. Thus, until the end of this month, one Visa card can be used to pay for up to 6 trips with a 30% discount.
It is also possible to reload a LeoCard with a one-time discount of UAH 27.
Lvivavtodor explained that the 30% discount will be valid when paying for travel with a Visa card through a validator. A passenger will have the opportunity to validate up to 6 trips with one card at a discount during the promotion period. The corresponding discount will also apply when paying for additional passengers or luggage.
“To take advantage of the discount, when entering the vehicle, the passenger must attach a Visa bank card – physical or digital, stored in the ApplePay/GooglePay wallet – to the validator. The system will automatically withdraw funds for the fare, taking into account a 30% discount.
That is, when paying for travel with a Visa card, instead of UAH 15, it will deduct UAH 10.50. Savings per trip will amount to UAH 4.50,” Lvivavtodor said.
You can get a 30% discount when replenishing your LeoCard balance by replenishing your Visa card in the amount of UAH 100 or more in one payment only through branded kiosks.
“When paying for this refill with a Visa card, the specified amount is credited to the LeoCard balance, and the bank account will be debited by UAH 27 less. For example, a passenger asks to top up his LeoCard for UAH 100 at an Interpress kiosk, so when he pays with a Visa card, UAH 73 is deducted from his account and UAH 100 is credited to his transport card.
With one bank card, you can recharge your LeoCard at a discount once during the campaign. After the end of the campaign, the credited funds remain on the balance sheet if the passenger does not use them,” Lvivavtodor said.
The promotional offer will be valid until February 29, 2024, or until the campaign budget is exhausted. Note: Visa has allocated UAH 9 million to cover the discounts under this promotional campaign.
Passengers are reminded that one discounted Visa card can be used for up to six ticket validations and a one-time recharge of the transport LeoCard.
Detailed terms and conditions of the promotion are available here.
As a reminder, Visa payment technology company is a partner of the information campaign to introduce and popularize a cashless payment system in public transport in Lviv.