As reported by Iryna Marunyak, Deputy Mayor of Lviv for Housing and Communal Affairs, as of the morning of November 15, the city’s heat supply companies supply heating to 1,706 houses – this is 80% of the total number of houses with central heating.
428 houses remain without heat. The main reason for the lack of heating is that the gas meters in 75 boiler houses have not yet been unsealed. Therefore, the mayor’s office calls on Lvivgaz employees to speed up the unsealing work so that the boilers can provide heat to their consumers.
“The heating season for the population started yesterday. Heaters have prepared their facilities for work in the winter period and are ready to supply heat to houses.
Yesterday, heat was restored to 1,706 houses – this is 80% of the total number. Lvivteploenergo restored heat supply to 1,388 houses, and Zaliznychneteploenergo – to 318 houses. As of this morning, only 1,528 houses took heating, which is 71%. That is, 9% of those houses to which heat is supplied before it is taken.
Now, regarding those houses to which it was not possible to restore heat supply. More than 400 houses remain without heat, as well as the budget of the institution, including several schools.
So, Zaliznychneteploenergo still cannot supply heat to 204 houses. The reason for the absence is that Lvivgaz employees still have not unsealed the gas meters in 4 boiler houses serving these houses. That is, there are no delays on the part of the heating systems.
Lvivteploenergo has not yet restored heat supply to 224 houses. Here, the main reason is also unsealed gas meters in boiler rooms.
I would like to note that we held numerous meetings with gas workers, sent a number of letters to unseal gas meters at boiler houses, but as of today, we have 75 boiler houses sealed. Of these, 32 boiler houses serve budget institutions, in particular schools, and 43 boiler houses provide heat to residential buildings. Therefore, we ask Lvivgaz to speed up the process of unsealing the meters in the boiler houses, so as not to create social tension and the boilers were able to supply heat to their consumers,” Iryna Marunyak emphasized.