Oleksandr Odynets headed Lvivteploenergo LMKP
Oleksandr Odynets headed one of the largest strategic utility companies in Lviv – Lvivteploenergo. Iryna Marunyak will temporarily perform the duties of the director of the housing and infrastructure department of the LMR.
“I remain in the structure of the JGI. Thank you for trusting me to lead one of the largest and most technically complex enterprises of the city – LMKP “Lvivteploenergo”! I believe that I will be able to achieve my goals!” – says Oleksandr Odinets.
Oleksandr Odynets was born on February 25, 1983 in Lviv. Married, raising three sons.
Higher education:
– LNU named after Ivan Franko — Faculty of Economics — specialist in information systems in management (diploma with honors), graduated in 2005.
– LNU named after Ivan Franko — Faculty of Law — specialist in jurisprudence (major — economic law).
Valentyn Volskyi has been appointed director of Zaliznychneteploenergo LKP. Until now, the chief engineer Vitaliy Kaminsky was the director of the company.
Valentin Volodymyrovych Volsky was born on November 7, 1972, married.
Higher education:
In 1999, he graduated from the Khmelnytskyi Technological University “Podillya” with a major in “Management in the production sphere”,
2011 — graduated from the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas.