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In Lviv, in the houses on the street Stryyska, which was hit by shelling in July, is already installing overlaps between floors and roofs

On the street Stryyska, restoration work continues in the houses that were damaged by rocket fire on July 6. Masonry works are carried out in the buildings, roofs are installed and windows are inserted. Since the houses are architectural monuments, only wooden windows are installed. This was announced by Lviv’s Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning Lyubomyr Zubach.

Note that the works are being carried out at the expense of the city budget.

“Emergency restoration work continues in the houses most destroyed by the Russian attack on Stryiska Street. So, now we have the following state of affairs:

– Building No. 68 – roughly a third of the windows have been inserted, work on the roof is ongoing. Namely – finished with the most difficult works with the base, it takes at least two more weeks to finish laying the tiles.

– Building No. 66 – the roof of the last floor was poured, the gable walls were built. Approximately one more week of masonry work and we will start the roof.

– Building No. 64 – let me remind you, this is the building where the destruction was the most extensive, and the building had to be completely rebuilt. Here, the penultimate floor has been covered, and the fourth floor is being built. Roughly two more weeks of work and we will pour the ceiling of the top floor.

– Building No. 62 – the mezzanine floor was bricked and poured, about 60% of the work on the installation of metal roof structures was completed. Next week, the workers will begin to erect the wooden roof structures.

Let me remind you that the general contractor for the works in these buildings is LKP “Rembud”, Lyubomyr Zubach said.

We will remind you that on July 6, the largest shelling of Lviv took place, as a result of which 10 people died, 48 more were injured. Significant destruction was also caused. In particular, on the street 17 buildings were damaged in Stryyska, of which 4 were on the street. Stryyska, 62, 64, 66, 68 are practically destroyed.

Also, residents of buildings on the street Stryyska, 62, 64, 66, 68 receive compensation for housing rent from the city budget.

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