Влада працює

600 thousand UAH was paid in compensation for reduced fares in August

In pursuance of the municipal programme of compensation payments for concessionary travel by road for certain categories of citizens for 2024 (decision of the Drohobych City Council of 21.12.2023 No. 2094), the Social Protection Department of the Drohobych City Council reimbursed UAH 600 thousand for August 2024.

The reimbursement of compensation payments to carriers providing privileged transportation of certain categories of citizens by road on public bus routes amounts to UAH 600,000.

For reference. List of categories of citizens entitled to free travel on buses operating on public bus routes in Drohobych:

  • combatants (including ATO and JFO) and ATO volunteers;
  • persons with a war-related disability and a person accompanying a war disabled person of group I;
  • persons (Chornobyl NPP) referred to category I;
  • persons participating in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chornobyl accident, who belong to category II;
  • persons with disabilities of groups I and II;
  • a person accompanying a disabled person of group I;
  • parents of a deceased serviceman;
  • family members of a deceased war veteran;
  • family members of missing and captured military personnel;
  • veterans of military service, veterans of internal affairs bodies, veterans of the tax police, veterans of the state fire service, veterans of the State Criminal Executive Service of Ukraine, veterans of the civil defence service, veterans of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection
  • of Ukraine, veterans of the National Police;
  • rehabilitated persons (rehabilitated, victims of repression);
  • children from large families.

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