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The heating season for the population will start in Lviv on November 14

The relevant order “On the start of the heating season of 2022-2023” was signed by the mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy.

As Iryna Marunyak, deputy mayor for housing and communal services, said, technically, houses and heat supply facilities are ready for heating.

“As of today, the houses are ready to receive heat, the acts of readiness have been signed, the systems have been filled with water, and the meters have been checked. We also carried out all the necessary work on the engineering networks of the indoor system.

I would like to note that the task of “Lvivteploenergo” and “Zaliznychneteploenergo” is to supply heat to buildings. Instead, the residents who are the owners of the houses decide for themselves whether to take this heat,” said Iryna Marunyak.

As the heating experts remind, if the heating season has begun, and there is no heat in the house, then it is necessary, first of all, to contact the balancer for information about its absence.

“If there is no heat in a house, the residents, first of all, should contact the balance keeper and find out the reason for the absence. Also, if the battery heats in one room, but not in the other, you also need to contact the balancer, because heat is supplied to the house from the city. The balancer is responsible for problems in the indoor heating system,” the heating engineers explain.

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