Two residents of the Chervonograd community were killed in the battle with the occupier

Tragic news for our community…

The Heavenly Legion was joined by two Warriors who bravely fought for the independence and freedom of Ukraine.
Now Volodymyr Osypovych Pilyak, born in 1974, and Fitel Denys Serhiyovych, born in 1991, will protect us from heaven.

Sad news was announced today in the Chervonograd city council.

As reported by SE “Lvivvugilya”, Denys Serhiyovych Fitel was born on June 16, 1991. Since 2011, he worked at the “Renaissance” mine of the “Lvivvugilya” state-owned enterprise as a clean-cut miner at the coal mining site. Mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces in February 2022. Lived in Chervonograd. His wife, daughter, relatives and friends mourned the deceased.

We express our sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of the Warriors and share the pain of the irreparable loss.
Eternal glory and bright memory to the Heroes…

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