Petro Petraiko, a defender from Drohobych, was killed

Лави небесного батальйону поповнив нацгвардієць Петро Петрайко

The full-scale war with the enemy continues to claim the lives of Ukraine’s best sons and daughters. Our heroes are bravely defending their homeland and confronting the enemy at the cost of their own lives.

The sad news was reported by the Drohobych City Council.

Yesterday, the ranks of the Heavenly Battalion were joined by another warrior from Drohobych – Petro Petraiko, who was a participant in the Revolution of Dignity and courageously defended Ukraine from invaders during the ATO and full-scale war.

Petro was born on 12 July 1983. He graduated from Drohobych Vocational School No. 15 with a degree in car mechanics.

He was married and lived in Drohobych on Budivelna Street. He worked as a trucker.

Petro took part in the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, as part of the 12th Brigade. Then he defended Ukraine as part of the legendary Kulchytskyi volunteer battalion. He took part in the liberation of Mount Karachun, Sloviansk and Kramatorsk.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Petro has once again defended his country. In 2022, he defended Kyiv, Sviatohirsk, and Tetianivka.

Since October 2023, he was a rifleman of the 1st division of the rifle platoon (for the protection and defence of important state facilities №27) of the rifle company of the 5th rifle battalion of the city of Drohobych, military unit 3002 of the Western Military District of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The war undermined the warrior’s health, and the defender of Ukraine’s life ended yesterday, 2 September.

The Hero is survived by his wife, son, parents, friends and comrades-in-arms, who will always remember Petro as a courageous, selfless, sincere and loyal son of his people.

Drohobych City Council, its Executive Committee and deputies, Mayor Taras Kuchma, and Council Secretary Orest Karakevych express their sincere condolences to the family, relatives, friends and relatives of Petro Petraiko on the untimely death of our countryman and Hero.

We mourn with you and support you in your hour of grief.

The funeral service will begin on 4 September, at 11:00, from the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Hero will be buried in the cemetery on Pylyp Orlyk Street.

Eternal memory to the Hero!

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