Zoreslav Kainskyi decided to become a volunteer of the Lviv special purpose battalion of the Lviv Oblast police in 2014, and already in 2015 his younger brother Volodymyr joined him. Since then, fighters have been defending the Motherland from invaders side by side.
“For my brother and I, there was no question: to go or not to go. A volunteer battalion “Lviv” was created in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I decided to join it. It is impossible to stay at home when there is a war going on in Ukraine,” says Zoreslav Kainskyi, head of the tactical and special training department of the Lviv battalion.
As soon as the younger brother found out that Zoreslav was going to the ATO, he immediately decided to be by his side.
“He and I are always together and we trust each other. In our battalion, everyone is like brothers. We lend a shoulder, advise and help,” adds Volodymyr Kainskyi, brother of the soldier.
The Kainski brothers found the war in Mariupol. Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Bakhmut and Popasna were next. During 5 rotations, they witnessed the crimes of the occupiers against the civilian population.
“There were shellings, mainly on residential buildings: entire families were destroyed. These are cruel, uncontrolled people. They have a certain task – to exterminate the population. And our main task is to stop the enemy, and for this we do everything possible,” the brothers say.
Even before the war, Zoreslav was actively engaged in mixed martial arts, mountain climbing and participated in half marathons. The fighter did not abandon his training and during his service, and every time he comes home, he necessarily participates in various competitions. In Zoreslav Kainsky’s apartment, the entire wall is covered with awards, and recently he became a Ukrainian record holder when he ran a half-marathon in a bulletproof vest. Such an example really inspires the brothers.
“In war, you need to be patient, and sport helps a lot in this. I find time for training on every rotation. Guys look at me, ask: how to train better, how to eat better. I think such an example inspires people,” says Zoreslav Kainsky
Volodymyr and Zoreslav are bringing our Victory closer together and admit that when they defeat the enemy, they will definitely travel the world to tell about Ukraine.