Today, the Belz community said goodbye to Soldier Pyotr Antonyuk, who died near Bakhmut

Today, January 27, 2023, the Belz community said goodbye to Warrior-Hero Pyotr Antonyuk. He died on January 18 near Bakhmut

Three farewell salute volleys with empty cartridges rang out, the orchestra fell silent, the voices singing: “Eternal memory…” grew, watered with mother’s tears, a fresh grave, over which a blue-yellow flag is growing. Petro fought for this flag, courageously gave the most valuable thing he had…

let’s forget his feat. Let us remember at what price freedom is given to Ukraine.

We express our condolences to the Hero’s relatives: Nadia’s mother, Ivanna’s wife, Victoria’s daughter, Andriy and Yuriy’s brothers, and the entire family of the deceased.

In accordance with the order of the mayor of Belzka, Oksana Bereza, a three-day mourning period was announced on the territory of Belzka community from 01.27.2023 to 01.29.2023.

Heroes do not die…

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