Today, the community of Chervonograd is saying goodbye to two Heroes – Yaroslav Merega and Dmytro Zalivansky.

August 1, at 6:30 p.m. in the church of St. Josaphat’s funeral service (parastas) for Heroes Yaroslav Merega and Dmytro Zalivansky was held. We will let you know more about the meeting of the Heroes.

Today, August 2, the Warriors were buried on the Alley of Glory at the Bendyuzhsky Cemetery.

About the Defenders

Dmytro Valeriyovych Zalivanskyi was born on October 6, 1986. Since 2022, he has been working at the “Lisova” mine of the “Lvivvugilya” SE at the preparatory work site. A resident of the city of Chervonograd, Lviv region. Mobilized in July 2022. His wife, two daughters, relatives and friends are in mourning.

Having shown steadfastness and courage in battle, protecting the independence of Ukraine and protecting each of us, the Warriors of Light Maybuk Rostyslav Yaroslavovich, born in 1989, and Mereha Yaroslav Petrovych, born in 1970, died in Donetsk region.

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