Tomorrow, Lviv will say goodbye to soldiers Oleksandr Prytyka, Vasyl Lapychak, Oleh Zaitsev
On Tuesday, 23 July, Lviv will say goodbye to three soldiers. Oleksandr Prytyka, Vasyl Lapychak, and Oleh Zaitsev defended Ukraine from Russian invaders. Lviv City Hall calls on Lviv residents and guests to join the city’s farewell ceremony and refrain from holding entertainment events and celebrations during this time.
The funeral ceremony for the defenders will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Garrison Church of Ss. Peter and Paul, followed by a city farewell ceremony at 11:30 a.m. on Rynok Square.
The soldiers will be buried at Lychakiv Cemetery.
Biographical information about the defenders

Oleksandr Prytyka (27.08.1983-07.02.2024) was born in Bobrovytsia district, Chernihiv region.
Later the family moved to Lviv.
He studied at Lyceum No. 66 of the Lviv City Council. He completed his vocational education at the former Secondary Vocational School No. 27 (now Lviv Vocational College of Hotel, Tourism and Restaurant Services).
After graduation, he worked first in the transport sector and then in private business. Most recently, he worked at Donatan in Lviv. In his spare time, he was fond of fishing, cars, and took an active part in the upbringing of his three sons.
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, despite his lack of combat experience, he stood up to defend his homeland from the invaders. He performed tasks to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state in Kharkiv and Donetsk regions as part of a mortar platoon of the 125th separate territorial defence brigade of the regional directorate “West” of the Territorial Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Oleksandr Prytyka is survived by his parents, sister, three children and wife.

Vasyl Lapychak (14.01.1971-17.07.2024) was a resident of Lviv.
He studied at Lviv Secondary School No. 7 of the Lviv City Council. He received his education at the Separate Structural Subdivision of the Automobile and Road Professional College of Lviv Polytechnic National University. After graduation, he served in the army.
Throughout his life, he worked in several fields: transport, construction and property protection services.
During 2014-2016, he performed combat missions in the anti-terrorist operation area. After serving at the Main Training Centre of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Major General Ihor Momot, he joined the units of the Medical Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In 2020, he defended the state in the ranks of the 14th separate mechanised brigade named after Prince Roman the Great.
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he returned to the front. He served in the Donetsk and Kharkiv regions as part of the 1st Border Guard Detachment of the Eastern Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
Vasyl Lapychak is survived by his mother, wife, two sons and brothers.

Oleh Zaitsev (21.03.1965-20.07.2024) was a resident of Lviv.
He studied at Lyceum No. 52 of the Lviv City Council. Since childhood, he has been actively involved in sports: swimming, cycling and boxing. He received vocational training as a car mechanic. After graduation, he served in the automotive troops in the former Czechoslovakia.
He worked in the transport and construction sectors at home and abroad. He travelled extensively in Ukraine and abroad, was fond of fishing and cars. During the last period, he was engaged in repair work in Lviv.
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, he stood up to defend his homeland from Russian invaders. He defended the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state in the ranks of the 24th separate mechanised brigade named after King Danylo of the operational command “West” of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. While performing combat missions, he was seriously wounded twice, underwent intensive treatment and returned to the front.
Oleh Zaitsev is survived by his sister and two nephews.