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Discrimination at work: what you need to know

The Constitution of Ukraine guarantees every citizen the right to work, which includes the opportunity to earn a living by work that he or she freely chooses or accepts. At the same time, any form of discrimination is prohibited by law.

It is prohibited, in particular, to violate the principle of equal rights and opportunities, direct or indirect restriction of employees’ rights based on race, skin colour, political, religious and other beliefs, gender, ethnic, social and foreign origin, age, health status, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, suspicion or presence of HIV/AIDS, marital and property status, family responsibilities, place of residence, membership in a trade union or other public association, participation in a strike, applying or intending to apply to a court or other authorities for the protection of their rights or supporting other employees in protecting their rights, etc.

The first thing a person who has been discriminated against at work and wishes to seek protection of their rights needs to do is to determine what kind of discrimination has occurred: direct or indirect, when the violation occurred and whether there is evidence of discrimination.

In cases where the actions taken fall under the signs of a criminal or administrative offence, it is necessary to contact law enforcement agencies.

Restrictions on the rights of employees that depend on the requirements inherent in a particular type of work (age, education, health, gender) or are caused by the need for enhanced social and legal protection of certain categories of people are not considered discrimination in the field of labour.

Labour, Audit and Social and Labour Relations Department


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