March 14 in Ukraine marks the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer. The decision to celebrate it was made on January 17, 2017 by Resolution No. 1822 of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On Establishing the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer”.
On this day, Ukrainians honor the courage and heroism of the defenders of Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.
Ukraine is experiencing the greatest test in its recent history – a full-scale armed struggle against the Russian aggressor for its own independence and territorial integrity. Always, in the most difficult times of our history, there were brave people who voluntarily took up arms and defended their homeland.
Today, the entire Ukrainian people have become volunteers: those who came to the recruitment centers and joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; those who joined the ranks of territorial defense; those who help the defenders in every way and are ready to join their ranks tomorrow. Our readiness to voluntarily defend Ukraine is the decisive guarantee of our victory.