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Military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of Ukraine: what are the advantages and where to apply

The Lviv Regional Territorial Center of Recruitment and Social Support invites you to military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Advantages of military service under a contract:

During the conclusion of the first contract, a one-time monetary reward is paid. The size of the reward depends on the military rank:

For private members – 8 amounts of subsistence minimum, which is (20,064 hryvnias).

For non-commissioned officers and senior officers – 9 amounts of subsistence minimum, which is (22,572 hryvnias).

Receiving a lifting allowance in the amount of a monthly allowance for a serviceman and 50% of a monthly allowance for each family member who moves with him to a new place of service in another settlement, or in connection with the redeployment of a military unit.
The possibility of career growth and a guaranteed increase in monthly financial support during promotion. Non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers who undergo military service under a contract, have an educational degree of at least a bachelor’s degree, are sent to a military training course in a direction that corresponds to the profile of service activity, taking into account the need for officers of this specialty, may be appointed to positions subject to replacement by junior officers, with the subsequent assignment of an officer rank.
Military servicemen undergoing military service under a contract have the right to study without separation from military service in higher military educational institutions, military educational units of higher educational institutions, and in the absence of the possibility of training in specialties in these educational institutions, in other higher educational institutions with for the purpose of obtaining higher education.
Guaranteed annual basic leave. It is provided with the preservation of monetary and material security and the provision of monetary assistance for rehabilitation in the amount of a monthly monetary security. Leave may also be granted due to family circumstances and for other good reasons with the preservation of financial support for a duration of no more than 10 calendar days.
Free qualified medical care in military medical health care facilities, and in their absence or in urgent cases, medical care is provided by state or communal health care facilities at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, other military formations and law enforcement agencies formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine bodies
Solving the housing issue. Placement on apartment registration with the possibility of further obtaining official and permanent housing. Compensation of funds spent on subletting housing for all categories of servicemen.
Pension security is much higher than in the civilian sector and the possibility of receiving it based on years of service (and not upon reaching retirement age).
Social protection of military servicemen’s families. The wife (husband) of a serviceman is granted annual basic leave at her request at a time convenient for her (him) at the same time as the annual basic leave of the serviceman. Local councils provide out-of-order places for children of military personnel in children’s institutions at their place of residence. The wife (husband) of a military serviceman is not subject to dismissal due to downsizing of the enterprise, regardless of the forms of ownership.
In case of participation in hostilities, obtaining the status of “participant in hostilities” and benefits in accordance with the current legislation.
For more detailed information, you can contact your RTCC and SP at the place of registration or at the indicated phone number 0 (67) 735 40 07.

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