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We asked and answered: is it necessary to cancel qualified certificates and obtain new ones in the event of a change in the information specified in the qualified certificate

Therefore, the experts of the Horodotska DPI explain whether it is necessary to cancel qualified certificates and obtain new ones in case of changes to the information specified in the qualified certificate (including the name of a legal entity or surname, the patronymic of an individual).

Revoking a qualified key certificate is an early termination of its validity. Revoked key certificates cannot be renewed.

The time of cancellation of a qualified certificate is considered to be the time of its status change in the register of certificates of the Qualified provider of electronic trust services of the IDD DPS (hereinafter – KN EDP IDD DPS).

The client (user) is obliged to immediately apply to the KN EDP IDD DPS for cancellation of the qualified certificate in case of:

– compromises of the user’s personal key (the fact or reasonable suspicion that the personal key has become known to other persons, the loss of the possibility of further use of the personal key due to any circumstances, in particular, the loss or damage of the key information carrier, etc.);

– changes to the information specified in the qualified certificate;

– detection of errors in the details of the qualified certificate, etc.

At the same time, the payer submits the necessary documents for obtaining electronic trust services regarding the formation of new qualified public key certificates.

This and other clarifications can be found in the ZIR of the DPS of Ukraine.

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