
A school futsal league has started in Lviv

On Thursday, May 11, at the mini-football field of the Lviv Lyceum named after Ivana Pulyuya started the district stage of the school futsal league. The first participants were the youth teams of Pulyuya Lyceum (Rysi) and secondary school No. 31 (Kuguary).

In this academic year, the futsal competition of the school futsal league will be held among young men born in 2011-2012. 87 teams will take part in the district stage of this type of sport among young people, which is almost 1000 students. More than 140 game meetings are planned.

The district stages of the competition are planned to be held until the end of May, at which the winners of the district competitions will be determined. They are the ones who will fight for the cup of the first school leagues in Lviv at the city stage.

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