The USAID AGRO program will provide co-financing for the development and implementation of the Lean Farming sub-grant program.
This program is aimed at increasing the productivity and reducing costs of agricultural producers by eliminating losses in production and processes. The AGRO program is interested in providing one sub-grant to a Ukrainian private enterprise, public organization, business association to support and strengthen the sustainability of agricultural enterprises engaged in the processing of grain and oil products, and the production of food products from grain and oil crops.
Within the program, the winner must:
– Select 20 agro-food sector enterprises that will implement Lean Farming in their business processes;
– Assess the current and final economic effect of at least 20 target enterprises during the implementation of Lean management principles and according to its results;
– Adapt the work processes of target enterprises to Lean management of business processes;
– Create a culture of Lean management, in particular, promote the creation of teams with deep knowledge of Lean tools and the ability to implement them in business processes;
– Create a network of Lean Farming in Ukraine based on the dissemination of best practices and the results of the implementation of Lean management at enterprises of the agro-food sector;
– Promote the exchange of experience, best practices and technologies within two Lean tours to foreign enterprises of the agro-food sector.
Applicants can be officially registered Ukrainian public organizations, business associations or Ukrainian private enterprises, have at least 5 years of experience and practice in consulting support at production enterprises, etc., must submit candidates for project manager and Lean expert, the applicant must have an own contribution of at least 20 % of the sub-grant amount.
Deadline for submitting applications for the workshop: November 27
Date of the seminar: November 28
Closing date and time for submitting questions: November 29 (6:00 p.m.);
Deadline for answers to questions: December 1
Closing date and time for submission of applications: December 14 (18:00);
Expected date of sub-grant award: January 30, 2024.
A full description of the technical task is available at https://bit.ly/3QV82uP. In any correspondence regarding this competition, please indicate its name: ZPZ No. 65.
“Reimbursing the cost of technological, expert and other consulting support, the costs of conducting an information campaign, as well as the organization of outbound Lean tours can be financed with sub-grant funds. I note that the funds under this sub-grant cannot be used for the development of a website, the purchase of any equipment or consumables, full or partial compensation of construction and/or reconstruction costs, the provision of loans”, – emphasized the director of the department of agro-industrial development of the Lviv OVA Tatyana Hetman.