From May 1, farmers of the Lviv region can apply for a budget subsidy for land or a subsidy for animals through the State Agrarian Register.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 300 “On Amendments to the Procedure for Using Funds Provided in the State Budget for Providing Support to Farms and Other Producers of Agricultural Products” (this Procedure was approved in 2022 by Resolution No. 918).
Therefore, in 2024, Lviv region farmers will be able to receive budget funds in one of the following directions and in the amount:
– budget subsidy for 1 hectare to farmers who cultivate up to 120 hectares of agricultural land. The amount of support is UAH 4,000 per hectare;
– a special budget subsidy for keeping cattle (cows) of all productivity areas. Farmers keeping from 3 to 100 cows will be able to receive UAH 7,000 per head;
– a special budget subsidy for the maintenance of the breeding stock of goats and/or sheep. The amount of support is UAH 2,000 per head for those who keep from 5 to 500 goats and sheep.
Applications for receiving budget assistance are submitted only through the State Agrarian Register (DAR) after the announcement of the start of admission: from May 1 to June 30, 2024.
“Without registration in the DAR, farmers may lose the opportunity to receive a significant part of assistance that can contribute to the development of their farms and increase their economic well-being. I advise agrarians and private peasant farms that work the land or keep farm animals on their farms not to delay registration in the DAR, so that after the announcement of the acceptance of applications, they should apply for financial support in a timely manner,” said Tetyana Getman, director of the department of agro-industrial development of the Lviv Regional State Administration.
The DAR registration algorithm can be obtained from useful links:
– Training on registration for submitting applications to DAR: https://youtu.be/CfMipgqCjTk
– Presentations and useful materials on maintaining a personal account in DAR: http://surl.li/rsfke
– DAR Telegram channel: http://surl.li/rsfkw
The changes made to the Procedure for the use of funds provided for in the state budget for providing support to farms and other producers of agricultural products can be found at the following link: http://surl.li/rsfan