According to the final data, the volume of production of agricultural products of the Lviv region increased by 3.4% compared to 2021.
The state statistics bodies of Ukraine have released data on the state of agricultural development for 2022: https://ukrstat.gov.ua/
According to the final data, the volume of production of agricultural products of the Lviv region increased by 3.4% compared to 2021 and amounts to UAH 26.4 billion. (in constant 2016 prices). Agricultural enterprises produced products worth UAH 14.7 billion, which is 7.2% more than in 2021. On the other hand, households reduced production volumes by 1.8%.
The analysis of statistical data shows the increase in the production of plant products, which is caused by the introduction of innovative technologies by farmers and the increase in the area of cultivated agricultural land.
If in 2015 the volume of crop production at agricultural enterprises amounted to UAH 13.2 billion, then in 2022 this volume amounted to UAH 19.6 billion. and increased by 48%.
The analysis also shows the positive dynamics of the transition from individual farming to organized production. In 2022, the share of agricultural enterprises in the total structure of production is almost 55% against 41% in 2015, and the share of households decreases every year from 59% in 2015 to 45% in 2022.
With the change of climate and external market conditions, the structure of crop production also changes. If in 2015 a significant share in the structure was occupied by potatoes and grain crops, today the growth of gross production is ensured mainly due to the production of technical and grain crops.
“In the conditions of military operations, the primary task of the agrarian sector became providing the population with food. And the agricultural enterprises of the Lviv region not only maintained growth trends, but also demonstrated their flexibility and efficiency in extremely difficult conditions in maintaining the growth rates of gross production,” said the director of the department of agro-industrial development, Tetyana Hetman.