Funding for the grant is provided, in particular, by the USA, Taiwan, and EU countries.
The grant program is aimed at providing assistance to small and medium-sized businesses that need professional knowledge and experience to grow and ensure competitiveness, and provides for the involvement of experienced consultants for successful business management.
Financing of the grant program is provided by: the USA and Sweden within the framework of the EBRD Small Business Promotion Fund, the European Union and Sweden within the framework of the “Women in Business” program, other donors: Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA, Norway, Taiwan, as well as the EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund.
Enterprises that meet the following requirements can apply for a grant:
more than 2 years of work on the market;
more than 50% of the company must belong to citizens of Ukraine;
the company’s staff must have from 10 to 500 employees;
good business reputation;
the need to engage a consultant.
The grant is paid to the enterprise as a partial compensation for the costs of the consultant’s services after the successful completion of the consulting project in accordance with the terms of reference agreed by the EBRD. EBRD employees help determine priorities and form a quality task for the consulting project, find a suitable consultant, and also provide methodological support for the consulting project until its completion and evaluate the results 12 months after its completion. After the successful implementation of the project, the EBRD compensates (85%) the cost of the consultant’s services.
According to the grant, consultations are provided in the following areas:
Strategy (planning, development of business plans and export strategies);
Marketing (market and consumer research, branding, development of web solutions, marketing strategies);
Quality systems (preparation for certification according to international management standards, food safety, labor safety, etc.);
Information technologies (development of information systems, corporate portals, accounting systems, CRM, ERP, etc.);
Organizational development (formation of the organizational structure, personnel efficiency management, implementation of motivation systems, etc.);
Engineering solutions (development of technical documentation, architectural and infrastructure projects, etc.);
Operational efficiency (description and optimization of business processes, supply chain management, selection of optimal logistics solutions, etc.);
Financial management (improvement of management accounting, transition to international financial reporting standards);
Energy efficiency and environmental protection (energy audit, energy efficiency engineering solutions, energy management systems, etc.).
You can find out detailed information about the grant program and submit an application at the link: https://www.merezha.ua/grants/ebrd-asb.
“Agricultural production is one of the most dynamic industries. In order to create a successful and competitive agrarian business, today it is not enough for producers to be only experienced agronomists, it is necessary to have basic knowledge of marketing, to know the norms of current legislation, to be able to make quick and correct informational, engineering, and operational decisions. This grant program will help enterprises to receive consultations on the most problematic and demanded areas of their own activity,” said Tetyana Hetman, Director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Lviv Regional State Administration.