The jury will select 15 business winners of the program, which will be announced by July 23.
EasyBusiness is launching a grant program in partnership with MATRA and the Center for Economic Recovery. Within the scope of the project, 15 Ukrainian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have the opportunity to receive a grant in the amount of up to 366 thousand hryvnias. The total budget of the program is more than 6 million hryvnias.
This was reported by the department of agro-industrial development of the Lviv Regional State Administration with reference to the NGO EasyBusiness.
In order to participate in the program, it is necessary to be an officially registered private business in Ukraine (legal entities and FOP), which opened before January 1, 2023 and meet the official definition of a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise (maximum number of employees – 250 people, maximum annual income – 50 million euros).
Applications will be accepted until June 6, 2023. The selection of enterprises will take place in two stages:
a list of at least 30 best applicants will be formed by June 16;
from June 19 to July 7, the finalists will attend a series of online lectures and seminars on conducting business from top specialists of Ukraine;
Download the application form and submission details at https://bit.ly/easybusinessgrant-details. More details about the project at the link: https://www.easybusiness.in.ua/media/easybusiness-grant/.
The received grant funds can be used for:
capital investments: equipment needed to increase efficiency, increase production volumes, or adapt products to market requirements;
services / innovative solutions / certification, etc., which will contribute to better business efficiency;
operating expenses (partially), if such expenses are necessary to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the enterprise and the implementation of the grant project.
WARNING! Expenditures within the project must be made by August 31, 2023.
“Agrarian enterprises first of all need to determine which goal or problem they need additional funds for. This will allow you to correctly form the application and significantly increase the chances of success. If the producer receives a grant for business and fulfills all the conditions specified by the grantor, there is no need to return the funds”, – emphasized the director of the department of agro-industrial development of the Lviv OVA Tetyana Hetman.
More details:
The Easy Business Grant program operates within the framework of the project “Development of the labor market in Ukraine by improving human capital, promoting deregulation and providing support to SMEs” and is implemented by EasyBusiness.
Project partner Center for Economic Recovery. Information partners: Ministry of Digital Transformation, Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development and Diya.Business. The project was financed within the framework of the MATRA program, established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.