Areas of winter barley in agricultural enterprises amounted to 14.8 thousand hectares. This is 16.5% of the area in the segment of winter grain crops.
From this area, 79.5 thousand tons of grain were collected, with a yield of 53.7 tons/ha. Lviv and Chervonograd districts became the leaders in harvesting this crop, which threshed 18.2 and 22.4 thousand tons of grain, respectively. The yield of winter barley in these areas is higher than the regional average by 12% and 8%, respectively.
As of today, 28% of the area of early grain crops (30.2 thousand ha) has been harvested and 171 thousand tons of grain have been threshed. In addition to winter barley, 93% of peas and 20.4% of winter wheat were threshed. From the area of 15.3 thousand hectares of winter wheat, 91.1 thousand tons of grain were threshed, with a yield of 59.5 tons/ha (+0.3 tons/ha by the same date in 2022).
From the group of oil crops, 63.7% of the winter rapeseed area was harvested. According to monitoring data, 112.2 thousand tons of it were threshed from an area of 31 thousand hectares with a yield of 36.2 tons/ha (+0.8 tons/ha compared to the same date last year).
“Agriculture is an “open-air factory”, and this year’s rainy weather adds a lot of challenges to farmers and affects the progress of harvesting early crops, since we are 7% behind last year’s indicators in terms of the pace of harvesting areas. However, it is positive that the yield of the main early crops is somewhat higher compared to this date last year,” commented Tetyana Hetman, director of the department, on the progress of the harvest.