In addition to blueberries, Lviv farmers are actively planting new orchards of hazelnuts and walnuts.
More than 73 hectares of blueberry plantations have been planted in Lviv Oblast since the beginning of the eRobota “Svoy Sad” program. This is the largest area of new plantations of this berry among all regions of Ukraine within the specified support program.
In addition to blueberries, Lviv farmers are actively planting new orchards of hazelnuts and walnuts. More than 100 hectares have been cultivated under these crops in the framework of eRobota in the last year and a half in the region.
The garden strawberry remains in third place, grant funds allowed to increase the area under this berry by 20 hectares. They also planted 10 hectares of raspberries and 10 hectares of apple orchards.
“Local farmers prefer certain crops due to the peculiarities of the region’s climate and market conditions. The emphasis on blueberries and nuts is due to the fact that these products are export-oriented, and we are a border region with the EU – one of the world’s largest sales markets. In addition, the local climate allows to grow blueberries and nuts on an industrial scale with a satisfactory cost. At the same time, our climate is still not very suitable for stone apples, it is also difficult to get some apples with a satisfactory yield and color,” said the director of the department of agro-industrial development of the Lviv OVA Tetyana Getman.
We will remind you that the “eRobota” program began to operate in July 2022. During this time, 13 enterprises of the Lviv region received grants for gardens in the amount of almost 60 million hryvnias. With these funds, 217 hectares of new orchards will be planted.