In the total amount of granted grants for the development of horticulture in Ukraine, the share of Lviv Oblast is 13%.
Lviv Oblast was in second place among other regions in terms of the area of planting gardens and the amount of grant support within the framework of the “eRobota” government program. Grants for the establishment of new garden plantings in the amount of UAH 41.7 million were received by 8 economic entities of the region.
The area of new plantings under grant projects is slightly more than 150 hectares, which is 14% of the total area of new plantings in Ukraine. Of the total area of plantations within the limits of this grant aid, 68% will be occupied by berry crops (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), 32% by nuts (hazelnuts). About half of the area of new plantings (73.5 hectares) will be used for growing blueberries.
“In the industrial horticulture of Lviv Oblast, the lion’s share of the annual establishment of new intensive orchards falls on berry crops, which quickly begin to bear fruit, and this means the saturation of the domestic market with high-quality berry products, additional jobs, filling the budget,” commented Tetyana Hetman, director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development Lviv OVA.
We would like to remind you that the YeRobota grant program for farmers is implemented under the conditions of co-financing of the state and the recipient of the grant in the ratio of 70 to 30 within the limits of the amount determined for one hectare of planting of each type of crops:
- up to 70% of the cost of the planting project at the expense of the grant;
- at least 30% using the grant recipient’s own (or credit) funds.
The recipient can receive a grant for planting plantations on an area of from 1 to 25 hectares if there is a developed garden project for the relevant culture. Grant funds can be used to cover any costs associated with the agreed planting project (purchase of seedlings, equipment, irrigation systems, fertilizers, etc.).
The main condition for the participants of the program is to create an appropriate number of new jobs and to conduct business activities after planting plantations for at least five years and to pay taxes and fees to the state budget related to the employment of workers in accordance with the project of planting plantations.
Comprehensive information with conditions, application rules and eligibility requirements for receiving a grant are provided in the Procedure for Grants for the Creation or Development of Horticulture, Berry Growing and Viticulture, approved by Resolution of the CMU No. 738 “Some Issues of Grants for Business” and Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy No. 447.
You can familiarize yourself with the above regulatory documents for obtaining a grant on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy at the link: https://is.gd/FKidtx