In the course of 2023, gardeners of the Lviv region increased the area of planting nut crops by 10.6%.
This is the largest indicator of area expansion over the past 5 years, as in previous years the annual increase ranged from 1-2%. In general, during the period 2019-2023, the area of nut plantations in farms of all categories increased by 14.8%.
“The establishment of hazelnut plantations in the region has become a trend of the year, as the area of its cultivation has increased 6 times. Half of the new hazelnut areas were planted with the help of the state grant support of “Svoi Sad” under the eRobota program,” comments Tetyana Hetman, director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development.
Of the total area of nut crops in Ukraine, Lviv region accounts for 6.7% of the area.
According to operational information of the department, in the farms of all categories, the area of plantations of nut crops in the current year is 1,340 hectares, of which 90% of the area is occupied by walnut plantations and 10% is for hazelnut cultivation. The area of plantations that began to bear fruit increased during the year by 16 hectares, and amounts to 1053 hectares. The volume of production of nuts of all types from the area of fruit-bearing plantations increased by 8.2% compared to the previous year, and amounted to more than 5.9 thousand tons.
The industrial cultivation of nuts of all kinds in the region is engaged in by 25 economic entities, the area of plantations of which is about 350 hectares (26% of the total area of nut trees in the region). In the nut-bearing commercial sector, 65% of the area is occupied by walnuts and 35% by hazelnuts.
In 2023, farms of all categories planted 128 hectares of new nut plantations, of which 103 hectares (80%) were hazelnut plantations. In the industrial sector, 91 hectares of new plantations were planted, in particular, hazelnut plantations make up 73% (66 hectares), walnut plantations – 27% (25 hectares).
With the support of the “eRobota” grant program, 5 horticultural entities, which received funding from the state in the amount of 19.7 million hryvnias, planted new plantations of nut crops on an area of about 79 hectares.
In general, from the start of the program in 2022-2023, grant support for the establishment of new areas of gardens and berry orchards in the amount of 71.8 million hryvnias was agreed to 15 business entities of the region.