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Sowing 2023: how the deterioration of weather conditions affected the sowing of cereals in the Lviv region

Farmers of the region have already sown 27.7% of the projected area of early grain crops, which is 24% less than the similar indicator of 2022.

Deterioration of weather conditions and night frosts somewhat affected the sowing dates of early crops, they shifted by about 10 days. However, agrarians of the Lviv region have already sown 27.7% of the projected area of early grain crops, which is 24% less than the similar indicator of 2022, the department of agro-industrial development of Lviv reports.

According to operational data, as of April 14, farms of all categories of early spring crops sowed an area of 13,000 hectares, in particular, spring wheat – 7,600 hectares (34.2% of the forecast), spring barley – 2,500 hectares. ha (respectively 20.5%), oats – 2.8 thousand ha (22.7% to the forecast), spring rapeseed – 1.2 thousand ha (13.2% to the forecast), peas – 42% of the forecasted area (74 hectares). Approximately 40% of the sown areas of early crops (4.7 thousand hectares) were sown by agricultural enterprises of the region.

Among the early spring crops, spring wheat crops occupy more than 60% of the area, which is projected to be sown on an area of 22.3 thousand hectares this year, which is 6.2% more than last year. In agricultural formations, this crop will occupy 13.8 thousand hectares, an increase of 18.2% (2.1 thousand hectares) compared to last year’s area.

“Since, due to a number of reasons, in the fall of 2022, the commercial sector did not achieve the planned sowing volumes of winter crops, we forecast an increase in the area under warm grain crops (spring wheat, buckwheat, corn, oats) by 6.2%, technical – by 1.8% (hot rapeseed, soy), vegetables. At the same time, the Integrated Program of Support for the Agrarian Sector of the Region, which has already begun its operation, has a positive effect on the increase of areas, in particular niche and vegetable crops. Within the framework of this program, from the regional budget, agrarians can reimburse up to 50% of the cost of high-reproduction seeds not lower than the first reproduction or the first generation of the hybrid,” said the director of the department of agro-industrial development, Tetyana Hetman.

You can read more about the terms of participation in the program at the link.



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