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A round table was held in Lviv within the framework of the EU project on the development of rural areas

«Географічні зазначення та етногастрономічний туризм як інструменти розвитку сільських територій»

The event took place within the framework of the EU project “Institutional and political reform of small-scale agriculture”.

Natalya Tabaka, the head of the Department of Tourism and Resorts of the Lviv Oblast, who was the speaker of the meeting, spoke about the cases of Lviv Oblast regarding gastro- and rural tourism as a tool for the development of the territory. She began her performance by showing a promotional video about sycamore pie. The video was created recently in cooperation with the Institute of Galician Cuisine and chef Pyotr Spodaryk.

Also during the event, they discussed the successful project “Gastromandry of Lviv Region”, which was created in 2018 together with the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of Lviv Oblast.

“The project “Gastromandras of the Lviv region” opened farms for tourists. Everything was developing very dynamically until the covid hit, and then there was a full-scale invasion of Rashists. We are not giving up, the last farm-tourist fair showed that there are many farms that are ready to join the project. It is very important for us to expand tourist spaces, to be included in major routes, something that will be easily Googled, passed from tourist to tourist,” noted Natalya Tabaka.

Taras Antonyuk, a national expert on geographical indications and the development of value chains, introduced the system of geographical indications to the audience and spoke about geographical indications in the countries of the European Union and in Ukraine.

Legal aspects of the system of geographical indications in Ukraine were covered by Yulia Prohoda, a national expert on legislation.

About the potential of implementing the “Traditional Guaranteed Features” (TSG) quality scheme in the Lviv region. Marianna Dushar, a national expert on traditional guaranteed features, told the case of “Yavorivsky pie”.

Those present also got acquainted with the cultural-tourist route “Hutsul Cheese Plays” and opportunities to join the road of wine and taste based on products with geographical indications.

We should add that today three geographical indications are registered in Ukraine: Hutsul sheep bryndza, Hutsul cow bryndza and Melitopol cherry. For example, in Poland there are more than three dozen of them, in total in the EU – 3514.

As you know, geographical indications increase the tourist attraction of the region and preserve local traditions. They help to increase the employment of the population and fill the local budget.


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