In order to increase the yield, you need to choose effective ladder care
The work of an agronomist is extremely responsible, because he is responsible for the yield and must not only correctly plan and carry out sowing, but also organize the correct and timely care of seedlings.
In order to make the work of agronomists easier, to help in the selection of preparations for processing, to find the appropriate proportions and to determine the period of their application, this year, the scientific and innovation center fully started working at the agricultural enterprises of the MHP company.
Its R&D (research and development) units work at four plant-growing enterprises of the MHP. It is literally a field for experiments for agronomists.
Recently, the R&D department of the Western Hub (“Perspektiv” branch of PJSC “Zernoprodukt MHP”, LLC “Zakhid-Agro MHP”, “Native Krai” branch of PJSC “Grain MHP” and LLC “MHP-Buffalo”), which is located at “Zakhid-Agro MHP” in the village Buzhok, gathered all the agronomists of enterprises of the Western region.
Yaroslav Rozputnyak, the head of the R&D department of the Western hub, presented the research plots to colleagues, which is 99.1 ha of total area, on which they began to carry out experimental work since March of this year. To date, 20 hectares of corn, 20 hectares of wheat and 47 hectares of soybeans have been sown on this area.
Specialists inspected the plots and discussed corn seedlings, their fertilization, protection and biologization.
In the future, the work of the R&D departments will provide an opportunity to choose the most effective and economically feasible solutions for plant care, which in the long run will improve the yield of crops in general.