The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is launching grant support for micro and small producers of agricultural products.
The project is entitled “Comprehensive, competitive and economically rational creation of value-added chains in agriculture, fisheries and forestry.”
Berry farming
A minimum of 1 ha and a maximum of 20 ha at the beginning of investment;
The manufacturer is registered in accordance with the established procedure with the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection
Vegetable growing
Producers who grow vegetables in greenhouses from 0.5 ha to 2 ha.
Specialized vegetable growers who grow vegetables in open ground from 3 to 30 hectares. Producers specializing in growing vegetables in greenhouses (from 0.5 hectares to 2 hectares of greenhouses) and in open ground – up to 30 hectares in total.
Vegetable processors who buy vegetables from local farmers.
The manufacturer is registered in accordance with the established procedure with the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.
Aquaculture is the main or one of the main types of economic activity of the enterprise.
Up to 20 hectares of pond production.
The entrepreneur has an active pond lease agreement for at least another 3 years or is the owner of the land on which the facility is located.
Minimum 3 years of activity.
The condition is to be registered in the State Agrarian Register.
The amount of grant support is from 1,000 to 25,000 dollars. USA (in hryvnia equivalent). Own contribution to the project – at least 10% of the amount (financial and in-kind)
Permitted organizational and legal forms – natural person, natural person-entrepreneur, legal entity (business partnership or private enterprise)
Application deadline – 16.01.2023 – 15.02.2023
The recording of the pre-application webinar can be viewed on Youtube at the link:
Importantly! It is necessary to apply for participation in the grant competition through the State Agrarian Register, so if you are not yet registered there, hurry to do so.
Link to DAR: https://www.dar.gov.ua/
Instructions for registration at DAR: https://www.dar.gov.ua/cards-useful/yak-zareyestruvatysia
Instructions for entering the office and editing information in DAR: https://www.dar.gov.ua/cards-useful/yak-uvijty-ta-vidredaguvaty