In the Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, projects were launched to support local and relocated small and medium-sized craft producers who are resuming their activities after moving.
This was discussed the day before, on December 6, during a business brunch regarding grant programs. The participants were representatives of the “Karpatskyy Smak” GS, the Department of Agro-Industrial Development, the Department of Economic Policy of Lviv Oblast, the Agency for Business and Community Development, and experts from the Business Club “Club of Business People”.
During the event, those present received information about the directions of financial support from the state budget, requirements for the participation of agricultural formations in state grants, in particular, the possibility of obtaining funds for the construction of greenhouses, the establishment of new gardens and berry orchards, and the development of their own business.
“In the Lviv region, farmers can receive grants for the construction of greenhouses, for planting new gardens, for the expansion and establishment of institutions in the field of processing. Getting a grant from one or another organization or state is not an easy job, you have to work on it. And today, many farmers are interested in receiving grants and persistently go to the goal, and we can help them in terms of information, training, direct communication, as today. Thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we have the opportunity to hold such meetings,” Yuriy Buchko emphasized.
The participants also discussed areas of support from the regional budget for 2023.
“State programs announced at the beginning of the year did not work due to the war, instead, others did. As a result, with the help of the State Agrarian Register, 941 small producers were able to receive funds for keeping cows and using land for a total amount of almost UAH 65 million. The verification of farmers’ applications is still ongoing, the total amount of the grant-subsidy should still increase. As for the regional support program, in 2023 we plan up to UAH 34.2 million to support the farmers of the Lviv region,” said Tetyana Getman, director of the APR department.
On the topic: In the budget of the region for 2023, expenses for the support of agriculture were foreseen.
She noted that 23 farmers within the framework of the “E-job” program received the right to receive grants in the amount of UAH 95.4 million, of which: UAH 23.4 million – for the development of berry growing, UAH 70.1 million – for increasing the capacities of processing enterprises.
During the brunch, it was also about support for relocated enterprises in the Lviv region and voucher support for enterprises of all areas of activity.
“If the business is relocated and physically re-registered on the territory of Lviv Oblast, we can provide such an entrepreneur with 100,000 UAH of non-refundable financial assistance. If such a relocated entrepreneur creates 20 or more jobs, this amount is doubled. To do this, it is necessary to fill out a form and submit supporting documents to the Department of Economic Policy. We also offer voucher support for marketing, for certification services, for assistance in exhibition activities, as well as for training and retraining of employees,” emphasized Stepan Kuybida, director of the Department of Economic Policy.
More detailed information about support programs can be obtained on the website of the Lviv Regional Military Administration on the pages of the department of agro-industrial development and economic policy.
Also within the event, entrepreneurs from the agricultural sector who received approved grants for planting new blueberry plantations and food processing shared their own success stories of writing business plans.
All those present had the opportunity to receive comprehensive recommendations on the immediate requirements of writing business plans, which were shared by the expert of the business club “Club of Business People”, Hanna Kostiuk.
After the business brunch, there was a tour of the Galicia Greenery LLC enterprise for representatives of enterprises, which is engaged in the cultivation of salads and greens in greenhouses.
The event took place within the framework of the “Entrepreneurs’ Support and Livelihood” Project, financed and implemented by the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine, in cooperation with Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk city councils and regional military administrations.