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Open training sessions in various sports for schoolchildren started in Drohobychska hromada

Holidays are one of the favourite times for children. Almost three months of carefree summer are ahead: games with friends, trips, camps.

To ensure that the schoolchildren spend their holidays with benefit and activity, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the City Council, in cooperation with the city’s sports federations and the Department of Education, initiated a series of open training sessions for students of the Drohobych community at various locations in Kotermak.

The first open training session in horting took place on 16 June at the I. Bobersky Children’s and Youth Sports School on an artificial turf football field. Horting is a national martial art that originated in Ukraine and takes its name from the word Khortytsia. Every year, this sport is gaining more and more popularity among students and young people, so new athletes are joining its ranks.

This weekend’s horting training brought together young athletes who are taught the modern martial art by Denys Ivanitskyi, head of the Drohobych horting centre. The training session was also attended by many students from the city’s community schools who came to try their hand at this interesting sport. Parents and class teachers supported the children’s endeavours.

According to Oksana Sotrykhina, Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the City Council, the summer period should be used to good effect, and the best friends for children’s bodies are not gadgets, but physical training, activities and exercises in the open air. Therefore, the children of the community are urged not to ignore open training sessions in various sports, but to actively join in.

In general, open training sessions are provided for the following sports:

– Horting,
– Akroyoga,
– Kyokushinkai Karate,
– Freestyle Wrestling,
– Wushu,
– Taekwondo,
– Boxing.

According to the schedule of open training sessions, the next training session will be held on 17 June at 16:00 in Kyokushinkai karate. The training will be held at the artificial turf sports ground of Gymnasium No. 17.

20 June – a kyokushinkai karate class will be held at the Boriviter Sports Club, Lyceum No. 1, at 16.00.

23 June – Acroyoga, Drohobych Horting Centre, Amphitheatre, park on Ivan Franko Street, at 11.00.

25 June – Wushu, Bobersky Sports School, at 16.00.

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