Інші види спорту

Border guard from Lviv region Serhii Dubov wins two gold medals at the Strong of Ukraine competition

This weekend, Khmelnytsky hosted an all-Ukrainian adaptive sports competition for veterans and active military personnel who were injured or wounded in combat.

The event was attended by over 150 participants. Sergey Dubov took part in the Strong of Ukraine. The border guard won first place in the rowing and air bike competitions.

Serhiy Dubov is currently serving in the Lviv border guard detachment. He met the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion in Mariupol. On 24 March 2022, the positions where Serhii was stationed were shelled by artillery, and Serhii lost his arm. He was evacuated to a hospital at Azovstal. After enemy captivity, treatment and rehabilitation, he returned to service. The border guard is a multiple winner of international and national competitions. He is an incredible motivator and inspiration to his colleagues.

We sincerely congratulate Sergiy and wish him new sporting achievements!

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