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Winners of the final badminton competitions determined in Drohobych

On 16 May, the final competitions of the School Sports Leagues of the Drohobych City Territorial Community for the 2023-2024 season ended.


These were the final badminton competitions among students of 8-9 grades of general secondary education institutions. The competition was attended by 12 teams from our community:
– Lyceum No. 3 named after V. Chornovil
– Gymnasium No. 17
– Stebnytsia Gymnasium No. 6 named after ATO heroes
– Stebnytsia Secondary School No. 18
– Lyceum No. 2
– Sniatynskyi ESC
– Verkhnegayivskyi ESC
– Dolishnoluzhetska Secondary School
– Rychtytska Secondary School
– Derezhytska Secondary School
– Bolekhivska Secondary School
– Nyzhnegayivskyi ESC

The sporting event, in general, took place in three stages: internal competitions among school students to form the school team. Then there were the semi-finals, where the teams were divided into two subgroups, and the final competitions, where the winners and runners-up among boys from the two subgroups of the semi-finals and the winners and silver medallists among girls from the two subgroups of the semi-final competitions took part.

The culminating competition took place in the gym of the Drohobych Barvinsky Music College (director Yuriy Chumak), so for two days the students fought for the right to be named the badminton champion of the school sports leagues of the Drohobych City Territorial Community in 2023-2024.

The girls’ team from Nizhnegayevsk educational complex won the competition, the team from Rikhtytska secondary school took second place and the team from Stebnytsia gymnasium No. 6 named after the ATO Heroes took third place.

Among the boys, the places were distributed as follows:
– 1st place – Stebnytsia secondary school No. 18
– 2nd place – Lyceum No. 2
– 3rd place – Rykhtytsia secondary school

The winners and runners-up were awarded cups and other gifts in the form of sports equipment for practicing this sport.



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