
In Lviv Oblast, 7 social projects win the contest “Time to Act, Ukraine!”

“Time to Act, Ukraine! 150 winners will raise more than UAH 40 million for community development., including 7 projects from Lviv region.

In the Lviv region, where MHP’s Zakhid-Agro enterprise is present, 7 projects won the Time to Act, Ukraine competition from our strategic partner, the MHP Community Foundation.

  • “Healthy eyesight of the residents of Zolochiv community in Lviv region”, CO “Zolochiv Revived”, Zolochiv (Lviv region)
  • “Revival of the Yavoriv toy – an object of intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine”, NGO “Yavoriv toy”, Ivano-Frankove (Lviv region)
  • “Creation of a therapeutic garden of the Roztochia Veteran Hub in Ivano-Frankove village”, NGO “Union of ATO Veterans “Yaniv”, Ivano-Frankove village (Lviv region)
  • “School library in the Internet space: New Routes, New Look, New Quality”, Department of Education of the Executive Committee of the Rudkiv City Council of Sambir District, Pidhaichyky village (Lviv region)
  • “Acquisition of rehabilitation equipment for the Municipal Enterprise “Drohobych City Hospital No. 1″ Drohobych City Council”, Municipal Non-Commercial Enterprise “Drohobych City Hospital No. 1”, Drohobych (Lviv region)
  • “Step by Step”, Charitable Foundation “Foundation for Supporting Medicine for the Military”, Lviv (Lviv region)
  • “Sports and play space for children and adults “Healthy Children – Healthy Village”, Kamianobrid starosta district, Kamianobrid village (Lviv region)

The organisers of the social initiative competition “Time to Act, Ukraine!” have announced the winners who will receive up to UAH 100,000 to implement their projects. The grants will support local initiatives aimed at solving important social problems in communities. This year, the competition received a record number of applications – 912.

As part of the Time to Act, Ukraine! Charitable Foundation will support 150 projects totalling more than UAH 14 million. These include therapeutic gardens and rehabilitation spaces for veterans, resource rooms, cinema spaces and hubs for young people, and the necessary medical equipment for hospitals.

“This competition is the embodiment of our mission to help communities organise to solve their social, economic and environmental problems. Every year, the projects become more interesting and reflect the trends taking place in the communities. So if in 2016 the projects were about replacing windows and repairing roads, today is about veterans’ spaces, shelters that can serve as educational spaces, youth hubs for informal meetings and communication, for example,” said Tetiana Volochai, Head of the Community Development Council of MHP-Community Foundation .

The total budget of this year’s winning projects reached UAH 40.8 million. Of these, the amount of grants to be provided by the MHP-Community Charitable Foundation is UAH 14 million, and the amount of co-financing is UAH 26.76 million. This is a record amount of co-financing that the winners of the competition plan to attract to implement their own projects in the communities.

“I would like to note the high-quality elaboration of projects and budgets. It is noticeable that the participants are learning and improving their knowledge of project activities. We also see readiness and interest in co-financing, as the participants’ contribution to the project exceeded 50% of the total budget. We hope that this competition will be a huge impetus for the development of communities in the field of project-oriented approach.”, – said Volodymyr Panchenko, Head of the National Projects Department at MHP for Communities.

Areas of projects supported within the competition:

  • Energy security – 2 projects
  • Preservation of traditions and cultural heritage – 15 projects
  • Reintegration and rehabilitation of veterans – 35 projects
  • Development of public spaces – 26 projects
  • Systemic projects in education, healthcare, and infrastructure – 72 projects.

“There is a noticeable trend that the quality of projects is increasing every year. Their elaboration is becoming more detailed. There were interesting cultural projects aimed at preserving the memory of the large-scale offensive and the war in general, ” said Artem Kostiuchenko, Head of the National Partnerships Department at the Ukrainian Educational Platform.

The expert committee that determined the winners included: Natalia Kryvda, Ph, Head of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation; Kostiantyn Tatarkin, Technical Advisor, IREX Veterans Reintegration Programme; Artem Kostiuchenko, Head of the National Partnerships Department, Ukrainian Educational Platform; Maksym Cherkashyn, Head of the Educational and Analytical Centre for Community Development; Iryna Moryak, Project Manager, Zmistovno, Nova Ukraine; Ivanna Stets, Senior Partnerships Manager, Veteran Hub; Anastasia Rudnytska, Grant Manager, VeteranHub.

The full list of winners is available aton the Time to Act, Ukraine website.

Information about the competition

The All-Ukrainian competition of social initiatives “Time to Act, Ukraine!” has been held for the ninth year in a row and is implemented by the MHP-Community Foundation, whose mission is to make communities a place where people want to live.

The main goal of the contest “Time to Act, Ukraine!” is to help solve important social problems of communities through financial support for local social initiatives as a response to the challenges of war: from veterans’ hubs to inclusive spaces, from creating shelters to launching rehabilitation programmes. Projects can be submitted by local governments, municipalities, enterprises, organisations, medical and educational institutions, non-governmental organisations and public associations.

Information about Zakhid-Agro MHP

The organisers of the social initiative competition “Time to Act, Ukraine!” have announced the winners who will receive up to UAH 100 thousand to implement their projects. The grants will support local initiatives aimed at solving important social problems in communities. This year, the competition received a record number of applications – 912.

As part of the Time to Act, Ukraine! Charitable Foundation will support 150 projects totalling more than UAH 14 million. These include therapeutic gardens and rehabilitation spaces for veterans, resource rooms, cinema spaces and hubs for young people, as well as the necessary medical equipment for hospitals.

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