There are 56 orphans and children deprived of parental care on the register of orphans and children deprived of parental care of the Sokal City Council Service for Children. Of these, 44 children are under the care and care of citizens, 2 children in foster families, 7 children in family-type orphanages, 1 child under the care of lyceums, and 2 children in state institutions.
This was reported in the Sokal City Council.
10 children are subject to adoption. There are 3 foster families in the Sokal community with 4 children deprived of parental care and 1 orphan.
An employee of the department visited 2 families with adopted children in Sokal in order to examine the living conditions and upbringing of children.
The department has developed and submitted to the Lviv Regional Center of Social Services a package of documents of a potential candidate for foster carers and a potential candidate for guardians, trustees for a training course on foster care and guardians, trustees.
There are 69 children registered in difficult life situations (36 children from disadvantaged families, 32 children who have experienced domestic violence, 1 child who is in conflict with the law).
The Sokal City Council Children’s Service Department together with the Sokal City Council’s Center for Juvenile Prevention and the Senior Inspector of the Juvenile Prevention Sector of the Chervonohrad Regional Unitary Enterprise in Lviv Oblast visited 2 disadvantaged families living in the village of Zabuzhsya. The members of the commission talked to parents about the formation of family values, promotion of healthy lifestyles, responsibility for life, health, safety of children, proper care of children, providing children with necessary food, clothing, raising issues of children’s education.