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Border Guards Stopped Illegal Transport of Goods Through Krakivets Checkpoint

Border Guards Halted Attempts to Illegally Import Goods via Krakivets

At the Krakivets checkpoint, border guards of the 7th Karpaty Border Detachment halted two instances of illegal goods transport. In total, over 440 items from various brands were attempted to be imported without proper declaration.

Violation Cases

  • During the inspection of a Mercedes driven by a 37-year-old Ukrainian citizen, 413 pieces of new clothing from a famous brand were discovered. According to the driver, this was a ‘delivery’ he was to bring to Chernivtsi.
  • Another Mercedes, passing through the same checkpoint, also failed inspection. In its luggage compartment, 30 pieces of clothing and footwear from various well-known brands were found.

The discovered items were confiscated, and protocols were filed against the men.

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