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A man from Lviv won a lawsuit against a water park in which a child jumped on a metal pin

The family of 7-year-old Oleksiy Olshanskyi from Lviv won the case against the Beach Aquapark. The boy’s family informed “Varta 1” about this.

Even last year, on March 10, 2021, the boy injured his leg in an entertainment institution. While using the water climbing attraction “Rock” (a wall with twisted pebbles for climbing in the recreational pool), Oleksiy climbed the slide, jumped into the water, and, running into a 10-centimeter metal pin that was underwater on the wall of the attraction, received a deep cut. laceration of the foot.

The employees of the institution, at the request of the father, provided first aid, examined the injury and put a bandage on the foot.

“When I turned to the management of the Aquapark with the aim of peacefully resolving this incident and receiving compensation for my son’s treatment, I received a very sharp reaction. Realizing that his son’s injury occurred precisely because of the indifference and non-serious attitude of the Aquapark employees to the safety of their attractions, he went to court in search of justice. In addition, I wanted to prove that ordinary Ukrainians have the opportunity to defend their rights against companies that falsely believe that they are all-powerful,” said the victim’s father, Mykola.

According to him, after the injury, his son began to be afraid of physical activities related to swimming pools, became withdrawn, lost interest in many activities that he used to do with interest. Although Oleksiy practiced swimming for several years and participated in various competitions. Therefore, the multi-month course of treatment included, in addition to physical rehabilitation, also psychological assistance.

During the consideration of the case, the court established that the evidence definitely indicates that the child was injured during a vacation in the Aquapark.

The institution itself did not deny this conclusion during the case review.

The water park violated the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” because they improperly provided services, which resulted in damage to the recipient of such services (a child). The court partially satisfied the claims. The total compensation to the family is 17,168.93 (whereas the lawyers and expertise determined the amount — 213,168.93).

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