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The President of Ukraine honored the border guards of the Lviv detachment with state awards

During his working visit to Khmelnytskyi, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, awarded servicemen of the 7th Carpathian Border Detachment for their combat merits during the defense of the Motherland.

From the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the units of the detachment take an active part in hostilities. Experienced soldiers showed courage and heroism during the execution of difficult combat tasks in the directions of Bakhmut, Soledar, Bogorodychny and Svyatohirsk. Today, military personnel in the Defense Forces of the country continue to repel enemy aggression and liberate Ukrainian land from invaders.

For special combat merits, courage, bravery and heroism of the personnel, the Head of State presented the head of the 7th Carpathian Border Detachment, Colonel Oleg Trofimenko, with an honorary award “For Courage and Courage”.

“Thank you to every unit, every soldier and commander of the State Border Service of Ukraine for being a truly strong support for our state. This is how it should remain in the future: we all expect from you no less professionalism and no less ability to multiply the Ukrainian experience of stability and victories in battles against the occupier,” the President of Ukraine emphasized.

Senior soldier Volodymyr Berdal, a military officer of the rapid response border commandant’s office, was also awarded the state award.

In February 2022, Volodymyr joined the border guards and defended the state. While carrying out a combat mission in the direction of Bakhmut and Soledar, senior soldier Volodymyr Berdal showed great courage and bravery. In the battle, the border guard destroyed the enemy’s ammunition depot and manpower with a well-aimed shot, which enabled our units to take the initiative and launch their own assault. Volodymyr was wounded during the artillery fire, but continued to fight until he arrived at the reinforcement position.

By decree of the President of Ukraine, senior soldier Volodymyr Berdal was awarded the Order of Courage, III degree, for his personal courage and selfless actions in the defense of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the Military Oath.

We are proud of our brothers, thank you for your strength and resilience! GLORY TO HEROES!

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